Pool of Arbitrators

Flilppo Alberto Corbetta

Independent Legal Practitioner

Filippo is an attorney and arbitrator mainly focused on art law and copyright. He has solid experience in both domestic and cross-border authentication disputes, as well as in negotiating and drafting legal papers regarding museal art exhibitions worldwide. He advises and assists Artists’ Estates, Art Foundations and Galleries in art-law and copyright matters, both judicial and extrajudicial.

Filippo’s field of practice includes criminal matters related to aforesaid issues. He is currently a guest lecturer in the “Arts Management Master” at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Before he lectured in various post-degree and specialization courses on private international law matters, including at the Italian Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura and at Brazilian Esmafe (Escola da Magistratura Federal – Nucleo Paraiba). In June 2020 he was appointed to the original Arbitration pools of CAfA.

Filippo’s educational background includes: Università degli Studi di Milano, 1998, Law (J.D.). He is Italian native speaking, is fluent in English and Portuguese.

He also has a background as Honorary Fellow (Cultore della Materia) in Private International Law at Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of International Studies, and is author of a monograph (Foreigners and marriage: applicable law, 2004) and of a conspicuous number of essays and comments to Court decisions on private international law matters including reciprocity and application and interpretation of foreign law by the national judge, i.a.: Relevance of reciprocity in the Italian legal system, Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza, 2002, 1; Reciprocity, compensation for damage from loss of family member and direct action against the insurer, 2011, comment to Corte di Cassazione Civile, sez. III, 11 gennaio 2011, n. 450, Famiglia, persone e successioni, 2011 7; and (Italian Supreme Court and the interpretation of foreign law recalled by conflict rules, comment to Corte di Cassazione Civile, sez. I, 26 febbraio 2002, Corriere Giuridico, 2003,3).

Jurisdiction: Italy