Independent Legal Practitioner
Filippo is an attorney and arbitrator mainly focused on art law and copyright. He has solid experience in both domestic and cross-border authentication disputes, as well as in negotiating and drafting legal papers regarding museal art exhibitions worldwide. He advises and assists Artists’ Estates, Art Foundations and Galleries in art-law and copyright matters, both judicial and extrajudicial.
Filippo’s field of practice includes criminal matters related to aforesaid issues. He is currently a guest lecturer in the “Arts Management Master” at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Before he lectured in various post-degree and specialization courses on private international law matters, including at the Italian Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura and at Brazilian Esmafe (Escola da Magistratura Federal – Nucleo Paraiba). In June 2020 he was appointed to the original Arbitration pools of CAfA.
Filippo’s educational background includes: Università degli Studi di Milano, 1998, Law (J.D.). He is Italian native speaking, is fluent in English and Portuguese.
He also has a background as Honorary Fellow (Cultore della Materia) in Private International Law at Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of International Studies, and is author of a monograph (Foreigners and marriage: applicable law, 2004) and of a conspicuous number of essays and comments to Court decisions on private international law matters including reciprocity and application and interpretation of foreign law by the national judge, i.a.: Relevance of reciprocity in the Italian legal system, Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza, 2002, 1; Reciprocity, compensation for damage from loss of family member and direct action against the insurer, 2011, comment to Corte di Cassazione Civile, sez. III, 11 gennaio 2011, n. 450, Famiglia, persone e successioni, 2011 7; and (Italian Supreme Court and the interpretation of foreign law recalled by conflict rules, comment to Corte di Cassazione Civile, sez. I, 26 febbraio 2002, Corriere Giuridico, 2003,3).
Jurisdiction: Italy