Partner, Ughi e Nunziante Studio Legale
Giuseppe is an attorney (qualified in 1993), mediator and arbitrator focused on international commercial law, banking, financial and contractual law, fashion and luxury law, as well as art law. His outstanding knowledge is reflected in his recommendation as a lawyer for the banking and finance sector (including the related litigation) for Italy in the Who's Who Legal 2020. Additionally, Giuseppe is a frequent speaker and has published extensively on issues related to business law, being the author of several publications on commercial law and litigation both in English and Italian (hereinafter, only some of the English publications will be listed hereafter: GIUSEPPE DE FALCO, “Securities World – Italy” AA.VV. in Securities World, Jurisdictional Comparison, 2005 (in English); G. DE FALCO – L. CASCONE, “The securities litigation review – Chapter 13, Italy”, AA.VV. 2nd Edition, 2017 and 3rd Edition, 2018.
Giuseppe’s law practice has included extensive arbitration and mediation since 2000. He has served as Arbitrator and Mediator in a wide range of commercial disputes, including in the media and fashion sectors at both the domestic and international level. He is a member of the IBA Arbitration Committee and of the IBA Litigation Committee, he is a member of AIA (Italian association for the arbitration). He has been appointed as arbitrator or president of the panel of arbitrators by the President of the Rome Tribunal in several cases. He has participated as faculty and judge at law school- and Bar Association- sponsored AIA moot events in arbitration where he has also conducted training. He was appointed to the original Arbitration and Mediation pools of CAfA in June 2020.
Giuseppe’s educational background includes: University of Naples, Federico II, full marks (J.D., 1989); Specialization in commercial law, University of Naples, Federico II, full marks (1991); London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LL.M., 1998). He is a native Italian speaker and is fluent in English, he also has a working knowledge of French and Spanish.
Jurisdiction: Italy