Arbitrator with 33 Bedford Row Chambers (UK) and Simpson Dispute Resolution (US)
Katherine is an attorney and arbitrator with expertise and experience in artificial intelligence, copyright, entertainment, and commercial law. She is a founding member of the Ray Corollary Initiative, Inc. and an Academic Affiliate of the University of Michigan, where she leads research in diversity and inclusion, and investor-state dispute settlement. Katherine is a frequent speaker and has published extensively on issues related to artificial intelligence law and business.
Katherine’s law practice has included arbitration mediation since 2010. She has served as Arbitrator in a wide range of commercial disputes at both the domestic and international level. She is a member of the American Arbitration Association, International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA-ICDR) Panel, as well as their Commercial and Consumer Panels. She is also a member of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) Panels of Distinguished neutrals. More information can be found on her professional website,
She is current Co-Chair of the Women in Dispute Resolution (WIDR) Committee of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section, and her advocacy for diversity and inclusion in alternative dispute resolution has twice been shortlisted for Global Arbitration Review’s annual Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge Award.
Katherine’s educational background includes having studied international banking law (Dr. iur.) and international investment, labor, social law at University of Cologne (LL.M. oec.), law at University of Baltimore (J.D.); European Integration Studies at University of Bonn (M.A.), and having studied political science and international relations at Ohio University (B.A. / M.A).
Jurisdiction: U.S.A.